Keep Moving Forward

There comes a time in every one of our Christian lives, when we’ve done something or said something that we’ve regretted. Sometimes when this has happened, there’s an overwhelming sense of guilt or shame that usually turns into self condemnation. The devil loves this! But Romans 8:1 says, “So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.” (NLT) Sure, we will sin and make mistakes sometimes, but when we do, we have to be careful not to stay there and keep [...]

Eat Humble Pie: Having a Gentle & Quiet Spirit

As God prepares to advance you, do great things in your life, bring you to another level in Him, or make changes in your situation, you will need to learn how to humble yourself in tough situations. And not just you, but I’m learning this vital principle too. God can’t use the proud. He actually hates the stench of pride and arrogance. But on the other hand, He can do amazing things in a person who exemplifies and possesses a spirit of humility. And that’s [...]

I Surrender…

As we draw closer to the end of this age, we have to come to the realization that our lives are really not our own. As Christians, we have been bought with a price…a very high one. Jesus had a purpose and He stopped at nothing to lay His life down for you and me. And now, it’s our turn. Think about that for a moment. Are you willing to stop at nothing to fulfilling all that God has purposed you to do? Because if [...]

Be a Wise Bride: The Soon Return of Christ

I almost titled this post, “Becoming a Wise Bride.” But then I was quickened by the Holy Spirit that it wouldn’t be quite accurate. You see, the Bible warns us to BE ready when Christ returns. We can’t be found thinking about it, dreaming about it, talking about it, or just hoping for it. Yet, we have to be found faithful, wise, and full of oil in our lamps as we wait for the soon return of Christ. Some of you reading this have either [...]

Remain Faithful

I asked the Lord, “What should I write this week?” And He showed me ever so clearly…“Give them a word of encouragement.” Right after He answered, I looked down into my Bible and I saw the words from Acts 13:15, “Brothers, if you have a word of encouragement for us, come and give it to us!” CONFIRMATION! Don’t you love it when God does that! I often say, “He knows exactly what we need when we need it.” So here goes sis…the word of encouragement [...]

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