Before You Send THAT Text

Have you ever been in a situation when you received a text message, and you were like, “WHAT?!” At least, that’s what you thought in your mind, right? Or how about that text that comes through as if someone is demanding something from you or asking you to do something that you just don’t want to say a wholehearted smiley-face, “Yes!” towards? Well, before you send them how you really feel, pause and consider before you send THAT text! You know what text I’m talking [...]

Journal It

Do you have a journal? If you do, then I think that is GREAT! However, if you don’t have one, then I would highly suggest that you get one…TODAY! Either way, the reason being is because I want to encourage you that journaling can be very helpful when it comes down to so many things (which I’m going to talk about in just a sec). But the initial point here is that whatever’s going on in your world, guess what? You can journal it! It’s [...]

How to Take Correction Better

Let me start by saying, “Ouch!” on this one! Okay…now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, we can proceed. As you can see, I’ll be talking about the growing pain of correction. You’ll discover why I call it the growing pain in just a few moments. But without further delay, let’s begin our written chat on “How to Take Correction Better.” No doubt, this is a tough one. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, who loves to be corrected? Most of us like to [...]

Let God Fight for You

Tired of fighting a battle that you feel like you can’t win? Exhausted from screaming, fussing about it, or being upset, fearful, or worried about things that you feel like is totally out of your control? Let me ask you one more question. Have you ever heard that your weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds? Well, it’s true. Second Corinthians 10:4 tells us so. Listen sis. As you press to live right and do what [...]

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