Please Him…

I need to start this post by asking you a question. Are you about your Father’s business? Meaning…are you doing what God has called you to do or are you at least on your way? Personally, I wake up purpose-driven, because I know that there are so many people who need to know Christ and grow stronger in their walk with the Lord. But that’s not just for me. Each one of us has a purpose and a destiny to fulfill before we leave this [...]

Keep the Fire Burning

Have you ever experienced a time in your Christian walk when you felt like you just didn’t have the same vigor, excitement, or passion from when you first believed? Have you ever wondered, “Lord, what happened?” If you’re a new Christian, I’m sure you’re probably flying off the ceiling fan with excitement, and I think that is totally awesome! I absolutely love it! However, to those of you reading who have been in this for a while, have you ever been there before? Well, no [...]

Don’t Miss Your Divine Connection!

Many of us want to stay connected to one another in some form or fashion, right? I mean, there’s text messaging, social media, emails, cell phones, lunch and dinner meetings, and even blogging; go figure! Face it. We simply have this immense hunger and desire to stay connected. Yet, in the midst of this busy cycle of our need to interact with one another, we have to be careful that we don’t miss our divine connection! In this social media crazed society today, we can [...]

Don’t Fall Asleep at the Wheel!

When driving your car, have you ever felt so tired that you didn’t know if you would make it home or to your intended destination? If not, great! But if so, I’ve been there too! I’ve heard that being sleepy behind the wheel is actually worse than being drunk behind the wheel. If that’s true, then can you spell the word D A N G E R O U S! Today, I want to talk to you about the dangers of falling asleep at the [...]

Speak the Word!

I believe all of us need to be reminded of this one. Unfortunately, we can get so caught up in our daily to-do-lists that we forget when a pop quiz, test, or trial comes our way, we have to be ready to conquer it! However, if we’re not trained by having our reservoir of Scriptures at hand, then it will be pretty hard to win. So that’s why we have to be ready at all times to…Speak the Word! Jesus did it! And as Christians, we [...]

The Fear of the Lord…What Is It Really?

I know this is a touchy one, because many people get a little mixed up on the difference between the fear of the Lord and fearing God. So we’re going to talk a little bit about this today. I might add that I’m pretty passionate about this one, because I believe it’s so important for the times we’re living in. So let’s dive in. I want to start by saying that “fearing” God…meaning being “afraid” of Him is unhealthy. And this is the initial misconception. [...]

I Stand Corrected…

Let me start by saying, “Ouch!” on this one! Okay…now that I’ve gotten that out of the way, we can proceed. As you can see, I’ll be talking about the growing pain of correction. You’ll discover why I call it the growing pain in just a few moments. But without further delay, let’s begin our written chat on “I Stand Corrected.” No doubt, this is a tough one. Wouldn’t you agree? I mean, who loves to be corrected? Most of us like to be correct, [...]

Part 3: God is Calling You to Holiness…Pick Up

Alright, this is the last post from my 3-part series on “God is Calling You to Holiness…Pick Up.” I hope and pray that by now, you’ve picked up. I know for some of you, this was not an easy pill or two to swallow. However, I can assure you that if you have received it all well, you and others will see the amazing results in the days, weeks, and months to come. Most importantly, God will be pleased. Now, with that being said, let’s [...]

Part 2: God is Calling You to Holiness…Pick Up

Welcome back! If you missed Part I of this series, you can always pause on this one and check it out first. However, if you’re just ready to dive right into this one…feel absolutely free to read on! Now with that being said, I’m going to press on and continue this series on the reality that God is calling you to holiness… and me too, for that fact. This week, I’m talking about how the call to holiness relates to our apparel. Get ready for [...]

Part I: God is Calling You to Holiness…Pick Up

If you’re reading this right now, then it’s not by chance that you are. I’m sure there were many other things that you could’ve read today, but the Lord led you here. Why? I believe it’s because of His great love for you and His immense desire for you to become that holy vessel that He can use for His amazing service and glory for such a time as this. Jesus wants us to be lights to a dying world, just as He was. But [...]

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