Have you ever experienced a moment when you really needed to hear from the Lord? How about a time when you were so desperate for answers that you could literally SCREAM? Ever been there before? Well, I have. BUT…I believe it’s in those times, when the Lord really wants us to simply stand on His Word.

Standing on God’s Word is a choice. It’s actually a wholehearted decision to trust Him at every turn…even when doubt tries to creep in. I just recently talked to someone who told me, “You know, I had to repent to the Lord for doubting Him, because He really came through for us.” Doubt is a faith killer. And our enemy Satan knows it. But that’s when we have to choose to stand on what God has said.

When you’re waiting for answers or needing direction or just needing to hear a word from the Lord concerning something in your life, listen for Jesus. The Bible tells us in John 10:26, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (NIV) So as a daughter of the King, you will need to be sensitive to His voice. And sometimes in order to hear His voice clearly, you will have to deliberately drown out other voices.

That means drowning out the voices of friends, family, co-workers, and especially worldly wisdom. However, not only that, but at some point in order to clearly know what to do, you will need to lay down everyone’s opinions and words of advice to hone in on what Jesus is saying to you. Because you will have to weigh it all to the Word. (Warning: Too many voices can cloud the right answer)

Personally, I remember calling a one-day fast (6am-6am) in order to clearly hear from the Lord. Prior to the fast, I’d prayed, talked to my husband, sought godly counsel, spoke to Christian friends, my mentor, and my awesome wise sister. And no doubt, all of that was good! Because the Bible does say in Proverbs 11:14, “Where no wise guidance is, the people fall, but in the multitude of counselors there is safety.” Wise counsel keeps us safe.

In addition, I will say that even though I had wise counsel, I still needed to hear from the Lord. I needed Him to put it all together for me. And I’ll tell you…once He showed it to me in sooooooooooo many ways through His unwavering Word, and the still small voice…I literally chose to STAND on it.

No REALLY. I went as far as putting my Bible on the floor and STANDING on it! I said, “Lord, I choose to stand on Your Word. I choose to trust You.” I was desperate to hear from Him and follow His direction. Again, sure I sought godly wisdom, but at the end of the day, I needed to know for sure what He wanted me to do.

I want to tell you sis, fasting is a GREAT way to hear from God. If you need direction and want to know what He wants you to do, call a personal fast and pray. And don’t forget to open your Bible during this time. Remember, you want answers. They are found in the Book. The important thing is that when He reveals things to you in His word, choose to stand on it.

The Word will be your lifeline. Your anchor of hope. Your solid rock. Your sustainer. Your answer to any problem or decision you face. Your final authority. Choose it and stand on it. Because God will never fail you or abandon you. (That’s in His Word!)

Remember, Jesus is coming back soon. And those who endure unto the end, shall be saved. Let’s be ready from the Inside Out.


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