By Inside Out with Courtnaye
If you clicked onto this post, my first question to you is what are you afraid of, sis? Is it fear of failure for a test? Is it fear of failure in a relationship or with your children? Or maybe it’s fear of failure with a new ministry or business venture? What are you facing that is causing you to be afraid of failing?
The root word of “fail” actually means to be unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal, to fall short, to feel inadequate, to disappoint expectations or miss performing well for an expected service or test. Does any of this resonate with the way you feel when you’re afraid to fail?
Personally, I’ve been there before where I was afraid to step out and do something that seemed totally impossible. Something that was completely beyond me! Beyond my wisdom, knowledge, and strength. Humanly speaking, I was so afraid that what I was about to embark upon would possibly fail.
This was a moment in my life where I wrote a script for a major gospel musical stage play. It started out with an idea. Then writing, working with a director, and scheduling auditions for actors that led to many long days and nights of rehearsals. And then there were the ticket sales. That meant spreading the word about the event and marketing it well so that there would be enough tickets sold.
Well, it SOLD OUT! Glory to God! We had a full house. The Lord was showing me that He was above my inadequacies. He was my strength. Also, that His plan was going to prevail and that I didn’t need to be afraid of failing. He was showing me that NOTHING is impossible with Him, so fear not! He was ultimately showing me that He had me and the whole project.
Now, let’s look at this from a biblical perspective. Remember when Peter was afraid in the storm and wanted to know if it really was Jesus walking on water. Remember that? The disciples were so afraid that they wouldn’t make it to their next destination. But what did Jesus say to Peter? He said in Matthew 14:27, “Don’t be afraid. Take courage. I am here.”
Peter only began to sink, when he doubted Jesus. He started looking around him and shifted his focus to fear instead of faith. Faith is the key, sis. So, take these same words that Jesus spoke to Peter and apply it to your life. Because you’ll never know if something is going to work, until you step out, try, and keep your eyes on the One who called you out in the first place.
With that being said, what is Jesus calling you to step out on faith for in this season? Whatever it is, I want to encourage you to know that nothing is impossible with God and to fear not. To go a bit further, do it afraid like Joyce Meyer says. Know that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind as 2 Timothy 1:7 states.
As I close, I want to add here that the reality is that sometimes plans do fail. I’ve been there, too. It happens, because we’re not perfect and sometimes we’re operating on a good idea vs. a God idea. Sometimes we're operating outside of God's timing. But those are the ones that we learn and grow from. Those are the ones that remind us that sometimes we will get it wrong.
Yet, the good news is that not all plans fail. Many work! But we’ll never know until we overcome our fear of failure and step out on faith. I like this quote by Michael Jordan who said, “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” So try it, my sister!
Remember, Jesus is coming back soon! And those who endure unto the end shall be saved. So let’s be ready from the Inside Out!
QUESTION: Are you struggling with the fear of failure sis? If you need prayer, you can email me directly and I will pray for you @ I look forward to hearing from you and praying for you.

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