Sexual Purity for Women

I believe it’s time to have this discussion. I can honestly say that I haven’t written on this topic before in such depth, but I felt led to do so at this time. God knows why. So if you’re reading this right now (whenever you clicked onto this post), I believe that our good Lord has you on His mind and heart. He loves you and wants to deposit something to you in His own special and loving way. With that [...]

Homosexuality…Where Do You Stand?

I know with the recent news of the Supreme Court ruling affirming same sex marriage (gay rights) has caused a lot of national and international attention, conversation and controversy. Literally, people have been talking about it over their morning coffee, lunch break, dinner table, and social media channels. Am I right? So… my question this week to you as a Christian woman is, “Where do you stand on the issue of homosexuality?” Are you for it or against it? Are you for it if a [...]

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