How to Adjust the Attitude QUICKLY

Okay, this is going to be a crash course - through one post. So get ready, because my hope and prayer is that by the end of reading this, you will know exactly what to do when you need a quick attitude adjustment. Print this one out (for now and later reference), grab a highlighter, and be sure to purchase a pack of index cards for the Scriptures that you’re going to need to chew on, memorize, and apply when you [...]

Getting a Handle on Anger

By Inside Out with Courtnaye I’m going to start this post by saying that everyone gets angry at some point in time or another. It’s inevitable. It happens. It’s a natural emotion that God created us with. And it can come in many forms such as getting angry with your kids for misbehaving or becoming disrespectful to your husband, not responding the way you would like, being upset with your boss or leader not giving you the promotion, from someone hurting you or [...]

Before You Send THAT Text

Have you ever been in a situation when you received a text message, and you were like, “WHAT?!” At least, that’s what you thought in your mind, right? Or how about that text that comes through as if someone is demanding something from you or asking you to do something that you just don’t want to say a wholehearted smiley-face, “Yes!” towards? Well, before you send them how you really feel, pause and consider before you send THAT text! You know what text I’m talking [...]

Let God Fight for You

Tired of fighting a battle that you feel like you can’t win? Exhausted from screaming, fussing about it, or being upset, fearful, or worried about things that you feel like is totally out of your control? Let me ask you one more question. Have you ever heard that your weapons of warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds? Well, it’s true. Second Corinthians 10:4 tells us so. Listen sis. As you press to live right and do what [...]

Responding Properly Under Pressure

By Inside Out with Courtnaye If you clicked onto this post, you’re probably shouting, “Yes! How do you do it?” Trust me. If you feel this way, I totally get it, because I’ve been where you are before, too. Actually, I wish I could’ve read a post like this years ago! But here it is, my sister. Tried and true. So let’s talk about how to respond properly under pressure. First of all, let me ask this quick question. What’s got you under [...]

Be Better, Not Bitter

If you’re reading this right now, I would gather that you either want to know how to be better and not bitter, or you want to help someone else in this case. Whatever your position, I’m glad you’re here. Because we need to have the conversation about it. And the reason being is so that healing can begin to take place. So…are you ready? Usually, bitterness doesn’t just happen. It’s a bit of a process. It’s slow, sneaky, and it can be vicious if not [...]

Fed Up with Anger?

If you live on planet earth, then I know you deal with anger. We all do. The fact is, that God knows that we will get angry sometimes, but how many of you want to truly learn how to get a handle of yourself when it strikes? Are you so fed up with it to the point that you want to get rid of it? That you want to control yourself better? If so, then I would say that you’re absolutely on the right track! [...]

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