The Best is Yet to Come Can you feel it? Do you know in your heart that God has taken notice to the desires of your heart and now can you sense that He is about to do something that blows your mind? Has He already begun to blow your mind? Sis, the best is yet to come! I don’t know about you, but this popular phrase keeps me on the edge of my seat. It keeps me encouraged. It keeps me expecting God’s best. What does it do for [...]

Waiting on the Lord

  By Inside Out with Courtnaye So many people are waiting on the Lord in our world. Some are waiting for the pain to stop from the loss of a friend or loved one. Some are waiting for someone that they care about dearly to come out of the hospital, healed. Some are waiting for their adult children to be saved or make wiser choices in life or for patience and strength as they raise small children or teenagers. There are many who [...]

Waiting is Not Wasting

By Inside Out with Courtnaye Are you waiting on God to move in your life on something? If so, what is it? Are you waiting for that new job, to buy or build that new home? Maybe you're waiting for your children to act right or do well or waiting for your marriage to change for the better? How about waiting on the right godly husband? Furthermore, are you waiting on everything to come together for that new vision, ministry or business? The [...]

Getting Through the Dry Season

Sometimes in our Christian lives, there will be dry seasons. It’s that time when God seems really quiet or pretty far away. Have you ever felt that way? Or it can also be that time when you feel like your devotional time or “church going” experience is not as exciting as it used to be. It’s when you begin to think and say, “What’s happening with me?” Or “Where is God right now in my life?” A lot of times, the dry season is called [...]

What Are YOU Called to Do? Take the Self-Examination Test

Where are you right now? Do you know your purpose? Do you believe you’re doing what you’re called to do? Or are you still in a place of waiting? These are all questions geared to examine where you are in this season of your life. Things are wrapping up in the world around us and we really need to be walking in our purpose or walking towards it by the time Jesus Christ comes back again. It’s time to get serious and prepare yourself in [...]

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